Art McCoy, Ph.D., is an inspiring champion of children and nationally recognized educator. In December 2010, Dr. McCoy became the youngest and 1st African-American Superintendent/CEO of Ferguson-Florissant School District at age 33, after serving as Assistant Superintendent for 3 years prior, and a leader for Harvard’s Pathways to Prosperity. In 2016, he became Superintendent in Jennings School District. Under his leadership, the classes of 2017 and 2018 achieved 100% graduation and career and college placement as featured on Fox 2 and CNN.
A nationally recognized consultant and speaker, Dr. McCoy has inspired scores of initiatives, authored many articles and two books. He founded SAGES, with the mission to “Sever the Achievement Gap in the Education of Students and Sever Attainment Gaps Existing in Society.” He has raised more than 10 million dollars to sustain and increase innovative initiatives for students. From the 2014-2015 school year to the 2015-2016 school year, he served as the Superintendent-in-Residence and Chief Academic Officer of the MIND Research Institute and Base 11, respectively. He has supported over 1 million students and 2500 schools and colleges across America.
Dr. McCoy has served in a leadership role on numerous executive boards including the Urban League of Metropolitan St. Louis—Education Chair, Midwest Health Initiative, Boy Scouts of America—Vice Councilmen, Missouri Association of School Administrators, Federal Reserve Bank, St. Louis Magic House, Harris Stowe-State University Board of Regents—Gubernatorial appointee, Construction Education Foundation, University of Missouri-St. Louis Chancellor’s Council—Co-Chair of Academic Affairs, Ranken Technical College, the Muny, and the Grand Commission for African-American Males of Sigma Pi Phi. For his work, he has received numerous awards including the Distinguished Alumni Awards from Harris-Stowe State University and the University of Missouri-St. Louis, St. Louis American’s Stellar Performer in Education and Salute to Excellence Award, Extraordinary African-American Trailblazer of St. Louis Award, Royal Vagabonds Foundation, Inc., Boy Scouts of America’s Silver Beaver Award, NAACP Inspiring St. Louisan Award of St. Louis County and St. Louis City, the National Bar Association Sankofa Award, 2017-2018 American Graduate Champion, 2018 Frankie Freeman Inspirational Awardee, and BJC St. Louis Children's Hospital Healthcare Advocate of the Year.