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Current Projects

Our work to combat misinformation and stigma while creating person-centered resources is always ongoing. Our programs collaborate with companies, researchers, and advocates to build innovative digital technology and create accessible resources that boost user engagement and lead to better mental health outcomes.

  • Cognitive Reframing: The purpose of the study is to understand how digital tools and artificial intelligence can help people recognize thinking traps and practice reframing negative thoughts into ones that are more positive, realistic, or helpful.
  • Development and testing of a caregiver-facing mobile health intervention to reduce duration of untreated psychosis.
  • Enhancing Engagement With Digital Mental Health Care: The purpose of this partnership is to create a digital mental health research platform leveraging MHA and Talkspace’s marketing platforms and consumer base to describe the characteristics of optimal engagement with digital mental health treatment, and to identify effective, personalized methods to enhance motivation to engage in digital mental health treatment in order to improve mental health outcomes.
  • Increasing Engagement in Digital Mental Health Services among Sexual and Gender Minority Consumers: MHA will integrate programming to prompt potential sexual and gender minority survey participants.
  • This trial will pilot the effectiveness of the Accumulated Depression and Anxiety Plans and Treatments (ADAPT) platform and evaluate the extent to which the ADAPT platform engages putative targets of personal relevance, skills use, and skills mastery.
  • Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Severity (NSSI) Screener: This collaboration seeks to develop a NSSI screener to help youth understand the amount of risk they have based on their current self-injury behaviors & create a resource to help youth with thoughts of self harm, but not necessarily suicide.
  • Digital Mental Health Service for Non-Treatment Seeking Young - Small Steps Texting platform
  • Feasibility trial of an app-based intervention for repetitive negative thinking (RNT): This work involves the design and development of the RNT-focused CBT app. Participants are recruited to provide feedback, and said feedback is considered when building an implementation and sustainment plan that would make the app openly available as a digital mental health resource to MHA’s constituents.
  • MHA Screening for Early Intervention for Substance Use Disorders: Feasibility trials of online interventions for substance use and addiction disorders: The goal is to provide free, accessible early intervention tools for people who have screened at-risk for substance use or co-occurring disorders through MHA Screening. Interventions will include analysis of behavior to identify other critical early intervention points; micro-trialing education and supports based on analysis of user behavior, crowdsourced digital tools that will reduce stigma and increase insight and skills; and piloting a peer bridger program for at-risk individuals in key states.
  • Risk Evaluation for Menopause-Associated Psychosis: In this study, we hope to identify women experiencing menopause-associated psychotic experiences.
  • Optimizing Digital Behavioral Treatment for Co-Occurring Insomnia and Depression: MHA will help provide targeted recruitment to veterans & service members with depression & insomnia who visit the MHA site.