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Self-injury often begins around the ages of 12 to 14, and it is most commonly the result of feelings of sadness, distress, anxiety, or confusion. Teenagers…



Muchas personas no buscan tratamiento en las etapas tempranas de las enfermedades mentales porque no reconocen los síntomas. 84% del tiempo entre los…



Existen leyes en numerosos estados que permiten el uso de la marihuana en distintas circunstancias, no obstante, es importante comprender cómo puede…



One of the first lessons learned by military spouses during a long separation is that coming home and being one-half of a couple again takes some getting…



Mental Health America expresses its gratitude to the brave service men and women who have lost their lives, and we offer our condolences to their families…



While trying to deal with all the challenges of being a teenager, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender (LGBT) teens also have to deal with harassment, threats…



Incidents of school violence demonstrate that bullying can have tragic consequences for individuals, families, schools and entire communities. Bullying is…



Being bullied is hurtful, scary and confusing. When bullying is aggressive and physical, it can be dangerous. When it’s emotional – like name calling, or…



The following information, forms, and documents will assist your loved one to have a voice in their care and an equal opportunity in work, treatment,…



There are 60 million Americans who provide unpaid care to a family member, friend, or neighbor who has a physical or mental illness. This number is…



Left untreated, depression can lead some youth to take their own lives. Suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15- to 24-year-olds and the sixth…



Co-dependency is a learned behavior that can be passed down from one generation to another.



If your community has been hit by a disaster, you’re probably trying to make sense of what happened and deal with the stress of the situation. These events…



Going through a separation or divorce can be very difficult, no matter the reason for it. It can turn your world upside down and make it hard to get…



As our service men and women continue to carry out missions in the Middle East and elsewhere, their families, friends and significant others continue to…



Nobody is unaffected by war. In military families, however, there is the added fear for the safety of loved ones who may be or already have been deployed,…



Everyone gets down from time to time, but feelings of sadness that last two or more weeks may be a sign of clinical depression. It is a real and serious…



Clinical depression is more than life’s “ups” and “downs.” Life is full of joy and pain, happiness and sorrow. It is normal to feel sad when a loved one…



ave you ever suffered from extended periods of sadness, loss of pleasure in everyday activities, poor sleep, or feelings of worthlessness or guilt? Have…



Depression affects more than 19 million Americans every year, regardless of age, race, or gender. While depression is not a normal part of the aging…



It’s not unusual for young people to experience "the blues" or feel "down in the dumps" occasionally. Adolescence is always an…



Eating disorders are marked by a variety of emotional, physical, and behavioral changes. While some of the behaviors may appear to be typical teenage…



Where you go for help will depend on who has the problem (an adult or child) and the nature of the problem and/or symptoms. Other suggested resources: Your…



The quality of the food you eat can impact your overall physical and mental health. Eating nutritious foods can go a long way toward achieving a healthy…



Staying active can benefit so many aspects of your health and can even prevent physical and mental health symptoms from worsening. It’s important to…



No one likes to be stressed out – especially when we know it can be linked to poor health. Learning how to manage your stress can be a small change with a…



That gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of your stomach is all too real – your gut is sensitive to emotions like anger, anxiety, sadness, and joy – and your…



Individuals living with a mental illness may feel that they are not in control of their lives and are not able to make choices for themselves. As an…



A fact sheet to provide evidence regarding the relationship between firearm-related deaths and mental health conditions. MHA is committed to sharing…



Just as you prepare your children for the start of a new school year with the right school supplies and materials, it’s also important to think about their…



1. The first rule of caring for your child's emotional or behavior struggles is that there are no rules. Parenthood doesn’t come with a manual and…



The death of a loved one is always difficult. For children, the death of a loved one can affect their sense of security. Like adults, children express loss…



Children sense the anxiety and tension in adults around them. And, like adults, children experience the same feelings of helplessness and lack of control…



In times of heightened anxiety over conflicts requiring military deployment, our children are experiencing fear and anxiety too. They’re seeing news…



Health insurance is one of the best ways you can protect yourself and your family in case you get sick or injured and need medical care. It also helps you…



Whether you’re a reservist or full-time military person, your return from deployment means the embrace of family and friends, and resuming everyday life.…



Now that you have health insurance, you are able to get the health care you need, when you need it. You won’t have to wait until your medical issues are…



Maternal depression affects millions of families in communities nationwide. As a response to this urgent public health problem, Mental Health America…



Of the 5.4 million people who sought mental health treatment in 1990, less than 7% required hospitalization. More than half of those who needed inpatient-…



Mental Health America respects and appreciates current and former members of the military and provides information to help to break down the stigma of…



Are you a member of the “sandwich” generation? You are if you are caring for young children as well as one or more aging parents. Today, 44 percent of…



Have you ever suffered from depression? Have you experienced increasing social isolation in recent years, the death of loved ones, or feelings of…



Racial trauma, or race-based traumatic stress (RBTS), refers to the mental and emotional injury caused by encounters with racial bias and ethnic…



Racism is a mental health issue because racism causes trauma. And trauma paints a direct line to mental illnesses, which need to be taken seriously.



Children’s mental health problems are real, common and treatable. Although one in five children has a diagnosable mental health problem, nearly two-thirds…



If you’re a returning service man or woman who is also a parent, you probably carried a mental picture of how your homecoming would be. It may have…



Cómo ayudar a nuestros niños a afrontar la guerra Desconsuelo y aflicción: Información para los familiares de militares. Cówww.mentalhealthamerica.netmo…



While many remain on duty, some reservists or members of the National Guard have begun to return home to their pre-deployment jobs. These soldiers may have…



Everybody shops. It’s how we get necessities like food and clothing, and luxury items like cell phones and home decor. Now more than ever, it’s easier to…



It seems odd to talk about exercise as a risky activity, but when a person doesn’t exercise enough or exercises too much, it has consequences for both…



The Internet is a wild and wonderful place which has forever changed the way we live, learn, and work – but when a person can’t find a balance between…



With laws in many states allowing the use of marijuana under a variety of circumstances, it is important to understand how it can affect mental health and…



Sex is a completely natural and normal part of the human experience, and when practiced safely and with a respectful partner, it can have health benefits.…



Sexual assault refers to sexual behavior that occurs without the clear consent of the victim. According to the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National…



Sex Differences: Men with mental illness are more likely than women with mental illness to smoke cigarettes.



Research has shown that social support wards off the effects of stress on depression, anxiety and other health problems.1 Do you need to be more connected…



No suicide attempt should be dismissed or treated lightly.



Most grocery and drug stores have entire aisles dedicated to complementary and alternative medicines like vitamins and supplements, there are even entire…



Julio, age 5, doesn’t want to go to school. He clings to his mother and cries uncontrollably when she leaves. Jamal, age 8, is having a hard time paying…



The first step in starting a conversation is to choose a good time. It’s really important to make space to be together without an agenda or pressure.…



When is it time to talk? It's time to talk to your child/teen about their mental health when... You’ve noticed something just doesn't seem right…



Now that you’ve had a conversation it is important to follow up appropriately. Your next steps are largely going to depend upon what you’ve been told.…



Acts of violence in schools and other public places have stunned the nation. Children, in particular, may experience anxiety, fear, and a sense of personal…



School violence and the resulting intense media coverage bring school safety issues to the forefront for all of us. However, children, in particular, may…



The Affordable Care Act helps make health insurance affordable for millions of people by providing assistance through the Advance Premium Tax Credit (APTC…



An estimated 8.4 million Americans are unpaid caregivers for adults with mental health issues; roughly the same as the population of New York City.



Mental illness is complicated but learning more about the science behind it is a great step in figuring out what recovery might look like for you.



Many people report being afraid to tell their parents because they do not want to upset them. Sometimes we don’t understand where troubling feelings or…



Start a conversation about mental health when there is an open window of time to have an in-depth discussion, and neither you or the person you’re talking…



It's hard to start the conversation about your mental health, but our guide can help you get started. It's time to talk about your mental health…



Start fresh. Other teachers may see your class roster and warn you about a particular student, but if what they have to say is negative it can taint your…



Tools 2 Thrive provides practical tools that everyone can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency regardless of the situations they are…



It is easy for parents to identify their child’s physical needs: nutritious food, warm clothes when it’s cold, bedtime at a reasonable hour. However, a…



After the initial celebration is over, most returning service men and women experience some sort of an emotional letdown. This is part of the transition…



Just as you can help prevent a child from catching a cold or breaking a bone, you can help prevent a child from having mental health problems. We know…