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Learn more about Mental Health

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We know relationships and the pressures of work and school can impact your mental well-being, but it can be less obvious when the world around you is the root cause of issues. Learn how the changing world affects mental health, and where to start when it comes to conversations and finding help for mental health challenges.

4 things likely affecting your mental health, and 4 things you can do about it

It's not always obvious when the world around you is what's causing problems. Whether you realize it or not, one or maybe all of these four things are probably affecting your mental health in some way right now.

See 4 things affecting your mental health

Negative news coverage and mental health

In today's fast-paced media climate, the 24-hour news cycle can seem impossible to avoid. We are bombarded with dramatic news coverage and endless clickbait, which has more of an impact on mental health than we may realize.

Read more on combatting negative news

Things you can say when you're not "fine"

Finding the right words to tell someone you're struggling isn't always easy. We can help you get started.

Learn what to say when you're not fine

What to say when someone tells you they're fine, but they're not

We've all had someone tell us they were "okay" and known that it couldn't be further from the truth. Get ideas for how to start a conversation about mental health the next time you find yourself in that situation.

Learn what to say when they're not fine

Building your coping toolbox

Everyone goes through periods of hardship and stress, and it's important to take care of yourself and have tools to use when times get tough. Building a coping toolbox is a great way to be prepared.

Build your toolbox

Helpful vs. harmful ways to manage emotions

We often learn how to manage or cope with emotions from the environments we are in and the people around us, but some of the coping styles we learn may be more harmful than helpful.

Learn what's helpful and harmful

Additional resources

MHA's complete library of DIY tools
County and state data map
Quick mental health facts

Take a Mental Health Test

Online screening is one of the quickest and easiest ways to determine whether you are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition.

Take a screen

This campaign is supported by contributions from Johnson & Johnson and Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.

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