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What onsite perks can we offer?

Employers can offer onsite perks to employees to reduce stress and improve employee morale and mental health. Some examples of onsite perks include childcare, the ability to bring a pet to work, chiropractic or massage therapy, health clinic, and mental health services. An onsite perk is anything “extra” that an employer offers, at no or reduced cost to an employee, to make their lives easier.

  • Onsite childcare or childcare arrangements. Employees who are also parents, especially to young children, may experience stress about childcare arrangements. Childcare can be very expensive, so reduced cost childcare can be helpful.
  • Allowing pets in your workplace can improve employee morale. This is probably most likely to work for small employers. Note that you should check with your lease to see if you can allow pets in the workplace. You may also have to keep pets at home to protect employees with allergies or other disabilities under ADA.
  • Discounted or free massage therapy, either at work or an offsite location. You can offer similar services for chiropractic or acupuncture as well. You can hire mobile masseuses to bring massage therapy.
  • Free snacks. Many employers find that offering snacks helps keep employees happy on days they are too busy to prepare or purchase food. While you should work hard to make sure all your employees can get their earned breaks, offering snacks can help people stave off hunger.
  • Social time for employees. Employer-sponsored happy hours, parties, or celebrations can boost morale. Do your best to hold these during work hours so employees don’t have to sacrifice nights or weekends for work events. In addition, you should make sure that hourly employees and frontline employees have access to these events (and not just corporate leaders).
  • Volunteer programs sponsored by the employer are a great way to give back to the community and help employees connect as a team. It’s best if you can have employees select the cause so they are really invested in it.

More Information:

How can we engage our employees in volunteerism?

What mental health organizations can I contact for potential collaboration?

Tips for Planning a Wellness Event

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